Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Wow there are some Stupid White People at the Anarchist Bookfair

If I have to listen to another lecture from a white person with dreadlocks or a mohawk about why their hair is acceptable, I am going to vomit. With that said, I'm sooooo glad the anarchist bookfair is over!

Thanks to those that dropped by to say hello and purchase a shirt or scarf from Too Sexy for 501c3.

Here are some pics from the fair:

The hot woman with the white glasses was giving out fliers for a zine about the non-profit industrial complex's impact on sex worker rights! yay! yes, she is wearing one of our "Non Profits Can't Riot" T-shirts in pretty pink.

P.s. before you get all upset and write a bunch of rude comments about my remark concerning stupid white people with mohawks or dreads, please click here.

P.s.s. My hermana Victoria told me she helped set up a free hair cutting booth for said stupid white people at humbolt state. You rock, Victoria!


  1. Hey! I met you and bought one of your tees at the Bay Area anarchist bookfair! Me and two of my friends just opened up a teeny radical bookstore in Portland, Oregon, and we'd love to sell some of your shirts. I get at least five compliments every day I wear my 'Nonprofits Can't Riot' shirt -- Portland is non-profit heaven/hell, and your message totally resonates here.

    Email us at northstar.infoshop@gmail.com if you're down. Thanks!

  2. Yes! Of course we'd be down and if any other readers want shirts but arn't in CA, please let us know and we can work something out.

