Thursday, November 19, 2009

found this ww2 picture of hunter's point naval shipyard


  1. "building a clean energy economy is a chance to reinvigorate and reinvest in the best part of the American dream: the idea that everyone gets a chance to succeed and be happy."

    -van jones's green for all

  2. i was just telling someone that i wish i was as funny as van jones in this quote!

    lemme try.

    However do we include the Green American Dream into the capitalism world system? Ah ha! I have an idea: We will promise the Black people of New Orleans environmentally responsible jobs in Hunter's Point Naval Shipyard like we did after ww2! Then after we transform Nola into the Hamptons of the South, we'll take away their jobs in the shipyard and tell 'em to move to Antioch!

    i now must get in my hybrid and drive to work,
